For the past 20 years I have been an avid student and teacher of Personal Mastery. Sometimes referred to as self-leadership or self-realization, I believe that personal mastery is the art of personal transformation.
We are all capable of achieving the personal growth we deserve. Each and every person has within them the ‘spark’ that once lite can transform their lives into wonderful works of art.
This series of blogs on the subject of Personal Mastery is my gift to you. These articles are based on my own experience and research into the power of mastering yourself.
Is there a magic formula to Personal Mastery you may ask? I wish I could say that there is such magic but I haven’t yet found it. The good news, however, is that you do have within you the ability to transform your life. That is your powerhouse and it’s waiting for you to tap into it.
I guess the ‘magic’ does kick in when you start to see that you can make changes to your current reality. And when you start to take even the smallest step towards your goals and life vision, then amazing co-incidences and synchronicity will start to appear and wonderful opportunities will unfold.
What is Personal Mastery?
I was first introduced to the concept of Personal Mastery many years ago when I developed a keen interest in what I call “Human Potentiality’. I came across the term, personal mastery, in a book I was reading at the time and it sparked all the neurons in my brain.
Curious to discover more, I attended personal growth courses, read hundreds of books on the subject and engaged with mystics, authors, entrepreneurs and mentors.
I started to discover that the purpose of life is Joy and that we all need to find and develop that which brings us joy. Personal Mastery is not about ‘trying to fix’ yourself. Instead it’s about ‘discovering yourself’. Finding what it is that you really want to do with the gift of life that has been bestowed upon yourself.
To cite a cliché, it’s not so much about the destination as it is about the journey. This is YOUR journey and your personal mastery is about rediscovering yourself, choosing to become the most amazing version of yourself and living the life you really want.
These blogs are meant to help you to do just that. So stick with me as the months and years go by and allow me to be your mentor as you discover the real and magical YOU!